Konsisten Dukung Ekosistem Startup, Batch 7 GK-Plug and Play Program Dimulai!

Yofamedia.com, Jakarta - Membangun bangsa konsisten dilakukan oleh semua orang. Ada banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan, seperti berinovasi, mencipta karya-karya yang mempermudah kebutuhan banyak orang, mengembangkan teknologi, dan lain sebagainya. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, GK-Plug and Play sebagai venture capital, berkomitmen dengan visinya mengembangkan ekosistem startup berbasis teknologi sebagai wujud membangun bangsa.

Senin, 20 Juli 2020 lalu, total 13 startup resmi memulai perjalanan mereka dalam
GK-Plug and Play Batch 7 Program.
Selama program berlangsung, para startup akan mendapat binaan dari mentor-mentor professional di bidangnya. Adapun fokus bidang startup yang bergabung dalam program yakni: Insurtech, Fintech, Enterprise 4.0, Edutech, Logistic, Beauty, Retail, dan Sustainability.

Di tengah keterbatasan pandemi, Kick Off Day tetap diselenggarakan secara virtual dengan mengusung agenda Orientation & Assesment I. “Kita sangat excited menyambut dan memulai program batch 7 bersama para kandidat yang berhasil masuk dalam program. Kami sudah menyiapkan program terbaik untuk mematangkan potensi mereka. Meskipun sekarang belum bisa bertatap muka langsung, kami berharap semoga kedepannya kita bisa segera bertemu.” Ungkap Aaron Nio, Director of GK Plug and Play.

Adapun Wesley Harjono, Managing Partner of GK-Plug and Play, juga mengungkapkan antusiasmenya menyambut para peserta startup binaan batch 7 program. “Dari tahun ke tahun kami menerima banyak sekali pendaftaran dari para startup yang menarik, hingga terpilih para peserta potensial yang siap dibina dalam batch 7 program ini. Harapan kami agar para peserta bisa makin berkembang dan matang, hingga bisa berdampak tidak hanya bagi masyarakat, namun juga bagi bangsa.”

Setelah melalui beberapa tahap seleksi dan berhasil masuk dalam program, para startup akan mengikuti program binaan selama 3 bulan kedepan dan pada akhir program nanti akan diselenggarakan Expo Day sebagai puncak graduasi mereka. Aaron juga mengungkapkan bahwa, para finalis yang bergabung dalam program memiliki potensi besar dan inovatif terlebih di masa krusial saat ini, hal ini sesuai dengan komitmen GK-Plug and Play dalam membangun bangsa melalui mengembangkan ekosistem startup dan pertumbuhan teknologi di Indonesia.

Daftar Peserta Startup Batch 7:

Arsitag.com is a home-improvement directory that has a vision to connect homeowners with the best property services professionals for them; Architect, interior designer, design and build, contractor to supplier.

Nectico provides applications for savings and loan cooperatives, all-round businesses, consumers and producers. With a system that is very simple and easy to operate, Nectico helps optimize your cooperative.

Aman provides modern technology for growing companies to set up and manage their employee benefits, simplifying complexity of benefit administration and delivering a world-class experience. Our platform enables companies to competitively recruit, engage and retain top talents.

Yuna & Co
Your fashion style should reflect your personality. It's our mission to help women fine tune their fashion flairs. At Yuna & Co, we help women look good, feel good, and feel confident. Yuna, your fashion matchmaker.

Say goodbye to the hassle of recording incoming money transactions, money out, to record your debt and receivables! With Moodah Lite, now you can record all your transactions, as well as monitor your business finances in one application anywhere at any time, for FREE FOREVER!

Software based census system to manage your trees and plants.

SPIN Analytics
SPIN Analytics brings digital transformation in Credit Risk Management by leveraging predictive analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques on Big Data.

TapHomes is an alternative solution for prospective home buyers with affordable monthly payments that allow them to continue to build a portion of their future home ownership.

Seamlessly connecting fitness professionals and enthusiasts.

MyEduSolve is an EdTech company with a vision to transform Indonesia's workforce through digitization of talents, through certifications and future-ready courses.

E-Commerce logistic solution for small medium-sized enterprises in Southeast Asia.

Widya Analytic
Data analytic startup based on social modeling system for better community. Widya Analytics is aim to identify, understand audience, measure brand image health, campaign tracker, competitive intelligence, and trend analysis.

Enigma Camp
ENIGMA CAMP specializes in the business of IT Bootcamp and IT Talent Management. We are driven by experiences that build software engineer to support your business with 3 major programs, i.e. : Talent as a Services, Training as a Services and Experienced Hire. [Red]

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